We are extremely satisfied with the service provided to us and in particular the professional approach and quality of the work. I recommend your service. Thank you!
Eco-Responsible residential cleaner
Adele is still today the only company to have developed a true expertise in domestic housekeeping while adapting to the latest best sanitation practices. One of Adele’s many exclusive benefits is how long houses entrusted to us stay clean.
To this day, homes cleaned by Adele are kept clean longer and with less effort between our visits.
Redefining domestic housekeeping, Adele did not only develop its own brand of cleaning products. Our Group also analyzed all that makes homes dirty in order to create a science around cleaning your living spaces. What is dust made of? Where does it come from? How can we prevent it from accumulating? Those are only a few of the things Adele brought its expertise to, in its customers’ homes.
Ultimately, we do not stop at using eco-friendly products to clean your walls and floors, our techniques and equipment make for much cleaner homes than what other housekeepers could provide. Adele has especially innovated in terms of the training it provides to all its franchisees.